The reason of writing

Why write? For people to read? To vent creativity? To leave a mark on the world? Or simply by the act of getting thoughts out of your head and putting them “on paper”?

I often ask this question myself, why am I writing? Why take up this blog even when it seems like I have nothing interesting to say around here.

The first thing that I have been thinking and which is working for me is that knowing that nothing written is totally useless and worthless. It may be that someone, in some corner of the internet might like this little article, or even spend some good moments reading it.

As one of the principles of Building a Second Brain, CODE says, there are some times that we need to express ourselves, put together all the information we are currently having in our heads in a brand new way to the world.

It may also be that no one reads this article, and that it remains “in the cloud”, but even so, this text fulfills a function. I believe that at this moment the main function of this blog is to present my ideas, to transform the sparkles that are my thoughts into conductive energies of something concrete, in this case, a text.

Okay, I’m not going to lie that I would like a lot of people reading my articles and that I would become a writer at some point in my life, but maybe this is the beginning, the beginning of that dream. 

Exercising writing is something constant, just like any other skill. With experience creating text might come more easily then in the beginning. I’ve noticed that the more you risk putting the first few words on the blank screen, the more they tend to appear, and that moment of tension between you and the blinking cursor lessens.

Anyway, writing for me is an act of creativity, of transforming the many ideas and thoughts I have into something concrete, which may one day, somewhere, reach someone’s life.

And you, why do you think writing is necessary? Write in the comments your ideas and if you want to keep receiving my articles, subscribe below.

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