How to survive winter in the northern hemisphere: a tale of a latina in the Netherlands

This was my first winter in the Netherlands and it was a challenging one. I think the cold and rain had its toll on me, but not as much as the lack of sunlight. That, my friends, was the ultimate challenge. It would take me long to wake up, and I would stay barely awake during the early morning because it was so dark outside. And the afternoon, oh the afternoons! Here most of the day is gray and cloudy, if not rainy. When I was going back from work all would be dark and the feeling of laying in bed would start to slowly appear. I remember one sunday afternoon where I looked outside my window and felt “oh boy, the day is over so fast!”, then I cried a bit because I was really sad that the days were just dark.

That was the moment I decided I was going to do something to live better these darker months. If I am to be happy in the country that I choose to call home, I better start adapting to it, right? So here are the things I did to overcome this winter sadness:

Get yourself a wake up light: this was a game changer. I bought a simple alarm clock that has a bright light with it. About 15 to 30 minutes before the alarm set time, the light slowly turns on and brightens the room. You are awakened by the sounds of birds singing (or you can wake up with your favorite radio station as well). Some days I would wake up feeling like I was back in Brazil! And no more sleepy mornings!

Lights, lights everywhere: my apartment is quite dark, has dark floors and furniture, so I was having a hard time feeling cozy in my own home. Together with that I have just one window (from the small balcony) which does not let a big amount of light in. Therefore I turned to lights. There were some days that I would turn on all the lights in the room I was in, just to have that feeling of brightness in my eyes. And I also added fairy lights everywhere: in my bed frame, in my TV stand and I even tried on my big mirror (which did not work very well). The thing is, the fairy lights did make the environment a bit cozier. And talking about coziness, the follow is my top tip for a cozy environment

Bring up the flames: candles are the key. I started very shy, with one or two small candles and I soon noticed the difference they made to the place, and to my mood. It does not need to be scented and expensive candles, but cute ones that can light a small flame are enough to warm your heart. Now I always have candles at home, and as soon as the sun is down (or even before), I‘ll light them up.

Be warm, always: It took me a while, but I learned the importance of warm clothes. I feel very cold most of the time, so I had to accept this and look for thermal pieces, and use the ultimate trick: layers. Do not make the mistake of thinking that just one piece is enough. Most of the time it isn’t. On the very cold days what saved me was thermal leggings, three layers on top and a snow coat. And that is not only when you go out. Make sure you are feeling warm in the house as well. Especially if your heating system is not very reliable (like mine).

Find yourself some nice indoor activities: as a very introverted person, this was easy, however I still had to invest in it. I intensified my journaling practice, bought more stationery supplies, stickers and paper, found more online inspirations and let my times on my desk be as cozy as possible. You can think about other things like yoga, playing an instrument, singing, learn how to use a new creative app, cook, learn a language, whatever makes your heart warm.

“Close shop” early: if you arrive home, all dark outside and you are feeling low, just close all the curtains and light all up! Outside may be dark and cold, but you will only see the inside, warm and cozy.

And here are some other tips I collected through the internet and via friends and colleagues, which I didn’t try too much myself this winter (but will sure give I try on the next):

Go outside, even if it is scary: for me it was especially difficult to go outside. I worked more from home and on these days (Almost) nothing would make me go out. As a result I used to spend days locked in my studio, which is not healthy, mainly for your mental health. So the tip is: get out, even if it is for a walk around the block. If it is during the day, when the sun is out (or at least should be out), even better.

Move your beautiful body: besides the not inviting weather, other reasons made me be far away from exercise (topic for another text), but I do recognize the importance of this piece. Be it a gym, a class or even at home, doing some exercise will help your blood and energy flow and warm up from inside out.

Hot drinks are always the best: I didn’t take the full advantage of hot cocoas and tea and I should this winter. I’m a coffee girl, but I am a very bad sleeper too, so my coffee consumption is restricted to the AM period of the day. Some nights I drank a good cup of mint tea and that would make me very happy and cozy, especially if I had a good book and a blanket on my couch. So, go all for the hot beverages.

Well, these are my tips for you to survive the winter in the northern hemisphere. I hope some of those can help you in the next year. Let me know if you have other strategies, it is always nice to expand your knowledge and make this time of the year as cozy as possible.

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