A might to do list

We all know that a to-do list is a key productivity tool in all methods we can think of, right? And have you heard that this list can take some variations, not only the daily to-do list we are all used to thinking about?

Some time ago, watching some of Ali Abdaal’s videos, I came across a concept that is very interesting: the Might To Do List. Unlike a brain dump, the Might To do List is a list of things that you want to do in the following days, but don’t have a specific deadline for them. You can do them when you like it, or if you are in the mood for that specific task. This gives more flexibility than obligation and might help you fulfill your tasks, because you are optimizing for energy, not for deadlines. 

For quite some time I’ve been adopting a version of this Might To Do List in my life, but with some differences. My list consists of activities that I need to do during a specific week, but might do today or tomorrow. The only rule is that I need to work on those activities in the by 

Friday of that specific week..

To do that, I use a weekly planner, where I don’t have too much space to write tasks, so I can manage my time according to the space I have left in the notebook (does this make sense?). In this case I don’t overcommit and make sure that I have time to deal with my tasks and also with some unexpected demands that appear during the week. 

I really like this approach because I can work on the things that I am most optimized for during a specific day or time, and I can feel that my schedule has some kind of flexibility but also fulfilling some structure for delivering my tasks and projects.

Photo by Breakingpic on Pexels.com
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